Joystick Magazine 2002 January
shok's script installer.exe
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// Command Menu definition
// Basic Format:
// "<Bound Key>" "<Button Text>" "<Command sent to server>"
// Buttons can also open up submenus, as follows:
// {
// "Some More Options",
// {
// ...
// }
// }
// Buttons preceded with "CUSTOM" are handled in special ways. They can only be moved
// around or deleted.
// Limitations:
// Maximum of 40 menus.
// Maximum of 100 buttons per menu.
// Everything below here is editable
"1" "Configuration"
CUSTOM "1" "Map Description" "!MAPBRIEFING"
"2" "Time Left" "timeleft"
"3" "Adjust Crosshair" "adjust_crosshair"
"4" "Use Left Hand" "setinfo lefthand 1"
"5" "Use Right Hand" "setinfo lefthand 0"
"2" "Changer d'equipe" "chooseteam"
// Here are the rest of the buttons and submenus
// You can change these safely if you want.
"3" "Message pour l'equipe"
// Map Specific
MAP cs_siege "1" "map cs_siege"
"1" "'Prenez les egouts !'" "say_team Prenez les egouts !"
"2" "'Ennemy dans le parking !'" "say_team Ennemy dans le parking !"
"3" "'Rushez la salle des otages !'" "say_team Rushez la salle des ostages !"
"4" "'Faites gaffe y a un sniper !'" "say_team Faites gaffe y a un sniper !"
"5" "'Prennez la route du haut !'" "say_team Prennez la route du haut !"
MAP de_train "1" "map de_train"
"1" "'Rush la guare des trains !'" "say_team Rush la guare des trains !"
"2" "'Rush le bombplant exterieur !'" "say_team Rush le bombplant exterieur !!"
"3" "'Flank them!'" "say_team Flank them!"
"4" "'Donne moi ton flingue !'" "say_team Donne moi ton flingue !"
"5" "'Bomb site secure !'" "say_team Bomb site secure !"
MAP de_vertigo "1" "map de_vertigo"
"1" "'Rush du niveau superieur !'" "say_team Rush du niveau superieur !"
"2" "'Rush du niveau inferieur !'" "say_team Rush du niveau inferieur !"
"3" "'Flank them!'" "say_team Flank them!"
"4" "'Faites gaffe y a un sniper !'" "say_team Faites gaffe y a un sniper !"
"5" "'Bomb site secure !'" "say_team Bomb site secure !"
MAP de_prodigy "1" "map de_prodigy"
"1" "'Rush to pipes'" "say_team Rush to the pipes bomb site!"
"2" "'Rush vers le laboratoir !'" "say_team Rush vers le laboratoir !"
"3" "'Prenez le hallway !'" "say_team Prenez le hallway!"
"4" "'Flank them!'" "say_team Flank them!"
"5" "'Prenez la route de l'APC !'" "say_team Prenez la route de l'APC !"
MAP de_aztec "1" "map de_aztec"
"1" "'Prenez le pont !'" "say_team Prenez le pont !"
"2" "'Ennemi au Bomb Plant !'" "say_team Narby, enemy at bomb site !"
"3" "'Rush vers le Bomb Plant !'" "say_team Rush to the bomb site !"
"4" "'Prenez par la riviere !'" "say_team Prenez par la riviere !"
"5" "'Bomb site secure !'" "say_team Bomb site secure !"
MAP de_inferno "1" "map de_inferno"
"1" "'Prenez le pont !'" "say_team Prenez le pont !"
"2" "'Ennemi au Bomb Plant !'" "say_team Narby, enemy at bomb site !"
"3" "'Rush vers le Bomb Plant !'" "say_team Rush to the bomb site !"
"4" "'Rush par la maison !'" "say_team Rush par la maison !"
"5" "'Bomb site secure !'" "say_team Bomb site secure !"
MAP cs_office "1" "map cs_office"
"1" "'Prenez le chermin de droite !'" "say_team Prenez la route de droite !"
"2" "'Prenez le chermin de gauche !'" "say_team Prenez la route de gauche !"
"3" "'Rush vers les otages !'" "say_team Rush vers les otages !"
"4" "'Do it for Manilov !'" "say_team Do it for Manilov !"
"5" "'Flank them !'" "say_team Flank them !"
MAP cs_backalley "1" "map cs_backalley"
"1" "'Flank them!'" "say_team Flank them!"
"2" "'Enemy overhead!'" "say_team Enemy overhead!"
"3" "'Rush vers les otages !'" "say_team Rush vers les otages !"
"4" "'Go you blaster!'" "say_team Go you blaster!"
"5" "'Taking heavy fire !'" "say_team Taking heavy fire !"
MAP cs_747 "1" "map cs_747"
"1" "'Rush vers l'avion !'" "say_team Rush vers l'avion !"
"2" "'On se rejoint dans le terminal.'" "say_team On se rejoint dans le terminal."
"3" "'Ennemi hors de l'avion !'" "say_team Ennemi hors de l'avion !"
"4" "'Enemy in cargo hold!'" "say_team Enemy in cargo hold!"
"5" "'Flank them'" "say_team Flank them!"
MAP as_oilrig "1" "map as_oilrig"
"1" "'Rush vers l'helico !'" "say_team Rush vers l'helico !"
"2" "'Rush vers l'elevateur !'" "say_team Rush vers l'elevateur !"
"3" "'VIP spotted !'" "say_team VIP spotted !"
"4" "'Sniped spotted !'" "say_team Sniper spotted ! Faites gaffe !"
"5" "'Protegez le VIP !'" "say_team Protegez le VIP !"
MAP cs_assault "1" "map cs_assault"
"1" "'Rush vers le batiments !'" "say_team Rush vers le batiments !"
"2" "'Prenez les conduite de ventilations !'" "say_team Prenez les conduites de ventilation !"
"3" "'Ennemi dans les conduites de ventilations !'" "say_team Ennemi dans les conduites de ventilation !"
"4" "'Rush vers la salle des otage !'" "say_team Rush vers la salle des otage !"
"5" "'Team ! Regroup !'" "say_team Team ! Regroup !"
MAP de_nuke "1" "map de_nuke"
"1" "'Go vers la salle principale'" "say_team Go vers la salle principale !"
"2" "'Go vers les sous-sols !'" "say_team Go vers les sous-sols !"
"3" "'Flank Yard'" "say_team Flank Yard"
"4" "'Flank Comm-room'" "say_team Flank comm-room"
"5" "'Ennemi a la salle d'entree !'" "say_team Ennemi a la salle d'entree !"
MAP de_cbble "1" "map de_cbble"
"1" "'Heading Central Hallway'" "say_team Heading to central hallway!"
"2" "'Heading to Underpass'" "say_team Heading to underpass!"
"3" "'Sniper dans la toure'" "say_team Sniper dans la toure !"
"4" "'Poice start area'" "say_team Police start area"
"5" "'Bomb site secure !'" "say_team Bomb site secure !"
MAP de_dust "1" "map de_dust"
"1" "'Rush par le haut !'" "say_team Rush par le haut !"
"2" "'Rush par le bas !'" "say_team Rush par le bas !"
"3" "'Bomb A secure !'" "say_team Bomb area A secure !"
"4" "'Bomb B secure !'" "say_team Bomb area B secure !"
"5" "'Sniper dans le tunnel !'" "say_team Sniper dans le tunnel !"
MAP de_dust2 "1" "map de_dust2"
"1" "'Rush par la droite !'" "say_team Rush par la droite !"
"2" "'Rush par la gauche !'" "say_team Rush par la gauche !"
"3" "'Bomb A secure !'" "say_team Bomb area A secure !"
"4" "'Bomb B secure !'" "say_team Bomb area B secure !"
"5" "'Heading to tunnel'" "say_team Heading to tunnel!"
MAP cs_italy "1" "map cs_italy"
"1" "'Ennemis au marcher !'" "say_team Ennemis au marcher !"
"2" "'Rush par la maison !'" "say_team Rush par la maison !"
"3" "'Rush par la cave a vin !'" "say_team Rush par la cave a vin !"
"4" "'Rush par le long tunnel !'" "say_team Rush par le long tunnel !"
"5" "'Otages en chemin !'" "say_team Otages en chemin !"
MAP cs_estate "1" "map cs_estate"
"1" "'Go to sewer'" "say_team Go to the sewer!"
"2" "'Enemy on first story'" "say_team Enemy on first story!"
"3" "'Enemy on second story'" "say_team Enemy on second story!"
"4" "'Enemy in back'" "say_team Enemy in back of house!"
"5" "'Enemy in front'" "say_team Enemy in front of house!"
MAP as_tundra "1" "map as_tundra"
"1" "'Utiliser la route secondaire !'" "say_team Utiliser la route secondaire !"
"2" "'Utiliser la route normal !'" "say_team Utiliser la route normal !"
"3" "'Snipers ! Faites gaffe !'" "say_team Snipers! Faites gaffe !"
"4" "'Rush vers l'APC'" "say_team Rush vers l'APC!"
"5" "'Rush vers l'helico !'" "say_team Rush vers l'helico !"
MAP cs_militia "1" "map cs_militia"
"1" "'Meet at garage vent'" "say_team Meet at garage vent!"
"2" "'Meet at front of house'" "say_team Meet at front of house!"
"3" "'Meet in backyard'" "say_team Meet in backyard!"
"4" "'Enemy sur le toit !'" "say_team Enemy sur le toit !"
"5" "'Enemy is in sewers!'" "say_team Enemy is in sewers!"
"2" "'Affirmative'" "say_team Affirmative"
"3" "'Negative'" "say_team Negative"
"4" "'Go Go Go!'" "say_team Go Go Go!"
"5" "'On my way'" "say_team On my way"
"6" "'Need backup'" "say_team Need backup!"
"4" "Les MoO phrases"
"1" "Just MoO it!" "say Just MoO it!"
"2" "MoO Force" "say May the MoO be with you!"
"3" "MoO?" "say MoO?"
"3" "If ..." "say If the MoO, the MoO will MoO you..."
"5" "Universal In-Game Menu" "sc_uim"